Learning "sit"

The command: “sit” means to sit. 

How to:
• Hold the “reinforcer” or treat with your fingers, like you’re pinching something.
• Hold the treat close to your dog’s nose.
• Move the treat slowly up over his nose, so that his head tilts up to follow the treat.
• As his head and nose raise up, his butt will naturally move down to the floor.
• When your dog’s butt touches the floor, say “yes” and then give him the treat.
• Once your dog consistently sits, add the verbal command “sit”, as you hold the treat in front of your dog.

Pick a quiet spot to practice, free of distractions. If your dog jumps up to grab the treat, you’re holding it too far away from his nose. Try keeping the treat no more than one inch from his nose. Only say the command “sit” once. Wait until your dog does (be patient) and then mark with “yes” and a treat.

Adding hand commands:
• The hand signal for “sit” is the same as you used to teach them to sit: bring your hand up to your shoulder, as you say “sit.” 
• As soon as your dog sits, say “yes” and reward them with a treat from your other hand.

GRACE. Rescued from being abandoned, tied to a chain link fence, in the Bronx.

GRACE. Rescued from being abandoned, tied to a chain link fence, in the Bronx.