Our Adopt-a-Bull dogs
Currently there are millions of abandoned or sheltered dogs in need of a home through no fault of their own. While every homeless dog we rescue is labeled a "pit bull" or "pit bull mix" they still come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Each has his or her own individual personality and each deserves a chance to be a beloved best friend. Please meet our latest Adopt-a-Bull dog Finn :)
Finn is about a year old -- but is an old soul. He is about 60 pounds with red/auburn hair and the most beautiful green eyes. Finn's favorite thing in the world is getting his belly rubbed. He is super relaxed and loves to snuggle with you for hours on the couch or in bed. He is also happy to entertain himself with his basket of toys (ropes, squeaky stuffed animals, kongs or bones with peanut butter). He also LOVES to sleep in and spoon (he's happy being the big or little spoon) and will literally give you hugs and kisses when you wake up in the morning. Finn is house trained and while on a leash he does not pull and is easy to walk (except for once and awhile when he sees a dog he wants to meet then he will lay down until it approaches and give it kisses). In general he loves to say hello to all walks of life and is great with other dogs. He has no food aggression (you can stick your hand in his food, take it, etc.), it is the same with toys, bones etc. he is also extremely smart and learns things very very quickly. Please consider adopting wonderful MagFinnicent today!